The step-by-step game plan smart dog owners use to go from a badly behaved dog who NEVER listens, to the well-behaved, loyal member of the family they always wanted.
Why complicated clicker training and choker collars are a complete waste of time... And the simple process we use to get calm, focused behavior in ANY dog, works like clockwork.
How this one simple cue breaks bad behavior almost instantly ... And turns even the most aggressive dog into a happy, docile furry friend.
The REAL reason your dog barks, bites, and jumps up ... And how to solve ALL this (and more), even if you've tried every trick in the book and NOTHING has worked.
AND, how to do ALL of this while helping your dog connect with your kids, ditch the aggression, and truly become man's best friend.
Sonia Saldavia
Positive Behavior Dog Training Mentor for National Animal Behavior College and Washington State CHASE Dog Training Programs
Certified Positive Dog Behavior Trainer & Pet CPR and First Aid
Certified Groomer for all breeds and ages (photo of the dogs & books)
Pack Leader: Lived with six or more dogs for more than twenty years
Dog Lover more than fifty years, Retired Nurse BSN, after 25 years, Author